33 End Rotation

What Is It?

The Rotate property allows for the answer codes to be presented in rotated order to survey respondents. When rotated, answers will always appear in sequential order, however the start point will differ between survey respondents. The Start and End Rotation properties allow you to specify the first and last code in the group that you wish to be rotated.

How Do I Use This?

Select the last answer code that you wish to be rotated using the drop-down box in the Properties Pane. All answer codes between the selected Start Rotation and End Rotation answers will be rotated as a group. Answers will only be rotated if the Rotate checkbox is also checked.

For further information on rotation, see Rotation.

Examples of use

If, for example, you wish to rotate the presentation of the following codes, so that a different day of the week is displayed first for each survey respondent, you must firstly check the Rotate box and then select ‘1. Monday’ in the Start Rotation field, and ‘7. Sunday’ in the End Rotation field.

  1. Monday
  2. Tuesday
  3. Wednesday
  4. Thursday
  5. Friday
  6. Saturday
  7. Sunday